

I’m impressed with Ubiquity. It’s very similar to my favorite Mac app, Quicksilver. Instead of telling Firefox where to go, Ubiquity allows the user to tell Firefox what to do, including: open a map, email someone, Digg something, tag something, show you the weather, or look something up.

The Pinball Number Count


I’m really happy that I can dredge up childhood memories and find them already posted on the internet. For example, you can find the Pinball Number Count video is on YouTube.



Rachel got me a new iPhone 3G for my birthday, so I unlocked my old* iPhone using WinPWN and gave it to her. WinPWN also installed Cydia, which is basically Debian apt for the iPhone. So now I have a crippled, locked down iPhone, and Rachel has one with a complete Unix toolkit, reworked BSD subsystem, and access to a huge library of free open-source games and utilities. But hey, mine’s still faster. 😛

* My old iPhone wasn’t that old. I took it to the Apple store two weeks ago and complained about some bubble defects in the screen. They gave me a new one on the spot. Yay!

Victory Seeds Candy Store


Craving a Chick-O-Stick? How about some Bag O’ Gold or tiny Chiclets gum? The Victory Seeds Candy Store has what you need!

Get Rich Slowly


One of my daily reads is the Get Rich Slowly blog.

Here’s a gem from the site:

Building wealth is like building a house. The first step is to lay a foundation upon which the secure home of financial independence can be constructed. To prepare to build wealth, you must

* eliminate debt
* reduce spending
* increase earnings

Mad Russian Ratbike


I really need this Mad Russian ratbike.



Zippy is a Mac SE/30 webserver. Take a close look at the screen — it’s a constantly-updated picture of the http logs from this little webserver.