
Scientists are questioning the popular belief that indigenous Americans were killed by imported European diseases, such as smallpox and measles. Instead, researchers are finding more evidence that the native Indian populations were decimated by a viral infection very similar to ebola. The massive social and economic changes caused by Spanish colonization, coupled with the poor living conditions forced upon native populations, contributed to a rat-borne plague that wiped out up to 17 million people.


Looks like the Fools were wrong. According to the article, the Motley Fools are recanting their “Foolish Four” investment strategy, as it’s turned out that it’s not quite as good as it was supposed to be.


Well kids, I’m off for a long weekend in Atlanta, where I’ll visit with Daniel, Dori, and the rest of the migrant geeks.

Updates will be made based on the proximity of browsing hardware.


Rod got me a webcam for Christmas, and it came in today. YAY!

Tune in to the unspeakable horror that is UnxCam!


Ha! These guys are running around tagging SUVs with their nice anti-SUV bumper stickers.

I think they should be using my much-more-hostile bumper sticker.


Sorry kids, but if any of you did not know that shows like “The Practice,” “The Drew Carey Show” and “America’s Most Wanted” were federally-sponsored propaganda, then you deserve to be the ignorant, bleating sheep that you are.

TV is good for you.


Joseph sent in this piece from the CIA, detailing future global trends.

Interesting bits:

  • Among developing countries, India will remain in the forefront in developing information technology, led by the growing class of high-tech workers and entrepreneurs.
  • The abandonment of unsustainable fixed exchange rate regimes in Asia and the creation of the European Monetary Union (EMU) will contribute to economic growth.
  • The elements of globalization???greater and freer flow of information, capital, goods, services, people, and the diffusion of power to nonstate actors of all kinds???will challenge the authority of virtually all governments. At the same time, globalization will create demands for increased international cooperation on transnational issues.