Kittycat Prayer

My sister says this is a true story about me, when I was a little kid:

“Dad ran into a lady the other day who taught Bible School one summer. She said she would never forget you, because, at the end of the School, when they asked who would like to lead the prayer, you volunteered.

“You said, “I’m going to say the kittycat prayer: ‘Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow. Amen.'”

“Of course all the kids had to say their own animal noise prayer — it was a disaster.”

2 Responses to Kittycat Prayer

  1. Sam says:

    And upon hearing your Kittycat Prayer, the Gods bestowed unto you Nine Lives and cat-like abilities. Now you roam the nights as… Yeah I’ll just stop this one here.

  2. Jett says:

    How very charismatic of you!
