Referer Spam

So far I’ve nuked comment-spam, by using embedded graphic security codes in my comments. It sucks to have to do this, but we all know that this is war.

Next up is referer-spam, which is at an all-time high. It seems that the developers of my stats analyzer, Awstats, either don’t care or don’t know how to set up an easy method for referer blacklisting. If anyone knows of a good way to do this with Awstats, or a better stats analyzer, let me know.

Meanwhile, I’ve had some luck with modifying my .htaccess file. Here’s a sample:

< limit GET HEAD POST>
SetEnvIfNoCase Referer ".*(porn).*" BadReferrer
SetEnvIfNoCase Referer ".*(casino).*" BadReferrer
SetEnvIfNoCase Referer ".*(sex).*" BadReferrer
order deny,allow
deny from env=BadReferrer
< /limit> 

This method sucks, because it is manual and purely reactive, but it does help. I’ve also password-protected my stats page, making it completely un-crawlable by any web spider. If you’re having problems with referer spam, I recommend you make the same change. If you really want people to be able to see your stats, you can post the username/password as an image.