Flogeeks/Networkgeek Server Crash

It finally happened. My faithful flogeeks server crashed. NOT because of faulty hardware. But because of stupid people. As I had posted on networkgeek.org and others, the ISP was moving some facilities. I told the people to hook up a keyboard and give my server a control-alt-delete to reboot it, so that the drives would cleanly unmount. They couldn’t find a keyboard to put on it so they just killed the power. No call, I could have shut it down from remote. Jeezus…. what a crappy day. So now Jeff and I have to build this new server quickly, and I gotta go to HellaBama this weekend. FSCK.

Speaking of FSCK, FSCK “fixed” lots of problems on the drive. These problems included the /etc/rc.d dir ( now missing 3/4 of its previous occupants ), as well as some of the kernel modules and some other assorted things… I have no idea what is broken and what isn’t, other than the fact that the machine won’t boot into anything other than single user.

/me sobs