My Day
Beth: So, how’s your day?
Me: Well, a million halfwits too stupid to breathe were nominated to be “system administrators” by other halfwits too stupid to digest solid food. The first group of halfwits installed some Microsoft web-server software [built by another, different group of halfwits], didn’t secure it, and each of their servers got infected by a worm that made the servers spew out tons of useless data across the Internet. The first group of halfwits then calls me to bitch about “WHY IS UR INTARNET SLOW?!1. IT IS uR cOMPANee. TRAYING TO MAEK MAH INERNEET SLAW!!!11”. Then they try to cancel their service with my company, even though they aren’t customers.
Beth:Oh, I can top that.
Me: Yeah? You forgot how to breathe and someone wearing a colostomy bag made you sysadmin?