The Weekend

I did more social things Saturday than I normally do in months. I should probably never admit this in public.

I met Laura downtown at Innovox, as usual, because I’m lame and only know how to get to that one place. From there, we went to the High Museum of Art to see the exhibit of the “Later Works of Edvard Munch.” The museum was fairly nice, although I’m not sure what compelled the members to spend a few thousand dollars on random junk collected from Ebay and call it art. The Munch exhibit, which would be more appropriately entitled “Everything that Edvard Munch Did Except For The Scream Which We Couldn’t Find”, was fairly nice, although it did prove the concept that not every painting an artist does is worth hanging on the wall.

After our brush with high culture, we went to Global Imports, which is located in a hidden space-time rift just north of Interstate 75. The reason I broke the laws of continuum to find the car dealership was so that I could test drive the new MINI Cooper S. The MINI is an absolutely sweet car: 163hp, road-grippy, and enough room for the tall and beautiful Laura to sit in the back seat without becoming uncomfy and mauling the sales lady. Said sales lady, Frauhlein Helga, would only let me go 50MPH, but the MINI handled that indignity better than I handled the clutch, as I stalled the car once. Woops. Sadly, I won’t be able to obtain this yummy machine [the MINI, not the sales lady] until January, due to the limited supply.

Later, in my Evil Lair of Evil Doom, I entertained Laura by stealing a stack of her CDs, and burning a lot of MP3s for her. She’d not been exposed to Invader Zim, so I suggested we watch one of the episodes saved on my Tivo. After the second episode: “You don’t have to watch any more. I have a stack of DVDs here.” “No, no.. play the next one.” Four hours later, she’d watched every single Invader Zim episode that I have, and had laughed herself into near oblivion. Apparently she’s developed a major Zim addiction, so if anyone has any Zim merchandise, I know where you can get a good price.