
I hate Macromedia Flash. More precisely, I hate almost every instance of Flash I have ever seen, with the possible exception of Praystion.com. Why this abject loathing of Flash? Advertisements. One of the worst ways to try to sell me something via website advertisements is to plaster thirty swoopy dancing bouncing Flash ads over 80% of a website.

Since my primary browser is Mozilla, I normally block banner-ad servers as a matter of course. [Right-click the banner ad, “block images from this server”.] However, since Mozilla is still somewhat retarded, it isn’t possible to block Flash ads from the right-click context menu. Heck, it’s not even possible to find any information about these ads. Even better, Mozilla offers no Plugin preferences in the current versions.

Here’s how to remove the Flash plugin for Mozilla in OSX:

In Finder, open /Library/Internet Plugins/ . Find the ‘Flash’ plugin. Delete it. Cackle with glee when Flash ads no longer appear.