In OSX, certain apps, including Safari, have access to the ‘Summarize‘ system Service.
Summarize provides a fairly accurate way to create short summaries of blocks of text.
A test sample, from Matt Rossi’s site:
Indeed, modern evolutionary theory is very respectful of the power of death. After all, in that theory it is death that prunes and directs the otherwise boundlessly chaotic, mutable explosive flow of life. Death is the mechanism of selection, death the means by which certain mutations are deemed fit to survive and be passed on to future descendants. The tension between the urge to procreate and the possibility of dying before passing one’s genetic information forward to be combined and developed is what, according to Darwin and his disciples, helped create that massively diverse biosphere in the first place. Taken still further, there are schools of thought that regard evolution as punctuated by bursts of sudden adaptation which may well be explainable as the influence of sudden drastic shifts in environment placing additional selective pressure on life…in essence, the death rate goes up because a rock falls from space or continental drift changes the climate, and as the deaths pile up the remaining life forms are pared down to a few hardy forms, which then explode into new forms as soon as the playing field is stable enough to be exploited. Whether you view life as a closed cycle that can only bear so much before necessary collapse or a fractal with the potential to expand indefinitely, it’s clear that death provides a necessary service in simultaneously producing fodder for future expansion and allowing room for new development by carving stagnation away.”
And the summary:
“Taken still further, there are schools of thought that regard evolution as punctuated by bursts of sudden adaptation which may well be explainable as the influence of sudden drastic shifts in environment placing additional selective pressure on life…in essence, the death rate goes up because a rock falls from space or continental drift changes the climate, and as the deaths pile up the remaining life forms are pared down to a few hardy forms, which then explode into new forms as soon as the playing field is stable enough to be exploited.“