Maybe Abel deserved it.
Maybe Abel was one of those people who just beg to be destroyed, crushed, smote with a rock and sacrificed.
Abel was driving the SUV who cut you off and made you miss your exit. He was talking on his cell-phone and reading a newspaper at the same time.
Abel works for the DMV. He also works for the Department of Labor, and answers calls with a smashed-together “Departmentoflaborholdplease-CLICK”.
Abel works for Kroger.
Abel parks his riced-out Sentra, the lime green one with the BMW emblems and the MOPAR stickers, across the three parking places closest to the entrance.
He mumbles the lines to the movie, and he kicks your seat while he’s chomping popcorn.
Abel spews out a hundred thousand Penis Enlargement emails an hour.
Maybe Cain was justified. If not justified, at least understandable.