Window Shade X
I’ve been playing with Unsanity‘s Window Shade X public preview. One of the nice new features of version 3 is “Minimize In Place”.
Suggestion for WSX3:
MIPed windows should [do something] when their dock icon is clicked. Right now I can’t decide what that something is; I think that perhaps a double-click should maximize all of them.
MIP iTunes, and open Safari. Now, consider your mouse movements. In order to maximize the MIPed iTunes, if the Safari window hides the iTunes MIP, you must first either cmd-tab to iTunes or click the icon, then click the MIPed window. Thus your mouse at worst travels from the center of the screen to the bottom of the screen, then almost to another edge of the screen, just to maximize a MIPed window.
At the risk of asking for them to write Unsanity’s version of Expos??, another nice feature would be to have keyboard shortcuts that MIP all windows, just the current app’s windows, or maximize all MIPed windows.