StarProse Sucks
Hmm, looks like the same pro-Kerry morons have changed IPs. Seems they’re attacking the old Refer script, at /refer/index.php, using some scumware app by a little fly-by-night company called StarProse.
[I’m pretty sure that one day when the two 18-year-old crank addicts that comprise StarProse were sitting in their momma’s basement, one of them decided that using that there Interwebnet thing was a great way to make some drug money, and was probably more fun than torturing cats or molesting children. Maybe. And they didn’t even have to steal from Mom again! ]
Luckily, I’ve created a happy deterrent for anyone trying to spam for johnkerry:
< ? php if ( eregi (" StarProse|kerry", $_SERVER[‘HTTP_REFERER’ ]) ) { header (“Location: http :// “); } ?php>
You’ll have to take some of the spaces out to get that to work. Also, be sure never to ever go to Ever.
Another nice thing that works is a .htaccess file:
For your .htaccess file in the Refer directory:
order allow,deny
deny from 172.144
allow from all
You don’t want this in your webroot, unless you want to block all AOL users.