
Digital Fish Eggs

For Christmas, I got Sam a hard drive for his XBox, and shipped it via Amazon.

Mom got the package today, along with the frozen steaks I’d ordered for my stepdad. She opened the box and saw something that said ‘Western Digital Caviar’, so she put it in the fridge to keep it cool.

Toxic Design Studio

Toxic Design Studio made this excellent video for a festival in Oslo.

(As Daniel said, “It’s a trap!”)



Thanks to this Disturbing Search Request, I’ve got some horrible mental images I’ll have to scrub out of my brain for the next few hours.

David Hasselhoff

David Hasselhoff:

  • Eats volcanic glass and shits rock candy
  • Can slip into the 2nd dimension at will to hide from his enemies
  • Has skin that filters sea water into Brute and A1 Steak Sauce

Pink Boar Rug

Since Laura won’t let me convert the dog into a footstool, maybe she’ll settle for a home-made pink boar rug.

Kittycat Prayer

My sister says this is a true story about me, when I was a little kid:

“Dad ran into a lady the other day who taught Bible School one summer. She said she would never forget you, because, at the end of the School, when they asked who would like to lead the prayer, you volunteered.

“You said, “I’m going to say the kittycat prayer: ‘Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow. Amen.’”


Mom emailed:

“There was a girl in the hospital Friday that had to have part of her colon taken out due to a blockage. (When you get a blockage, the poop can’t move, the bowel dies and becomes rotten, and you have to have it taken out).

I saw the two blockages — they were dark brown, circular, about the size of a tennis ball and baseball, respectively. Guess what they were? Hair balls!