
Re: Atlanta radio musings

I’m too lazy to post any new content, so here’s a rant I wrote regarding the state of broadcast radio:

What we’re seeing now is the continued twitchings of the rotting corpse that is Broadcast Radio. The Beast was live in the 70s, tumorous in the 80s, and died in the 90s. Once the FCC allowed single corporate entities to own more than a small number of radio stations, the way was made clear for the ethnic cleansing of the radio waves by ClearChannel and other media orporations.

Business Hours

Here’s an interesting hack:

Use your phonecam to take pictures of the business-hours signs at your favorite restaurants or other shops, so that you’ll never have to wonder if they’re open at 4AM on Sunday morning again.


Newsmap is a super-cool news headline aggregator. Take a look.


Austrumi is a handly little Linux-based rescue disk that I’ve recently used to recover lost passwords on a Windows XP laptop.


For those of you still suffering in the pits of WinXP-Hell, you can install Flyakite and make your PC look almost like it’s running OSX.

(This app is rather like looking at penises from a distance, but not actually touching them with your face. You’re not quite gay, but you’re very envious of homosexuals.)

I’ve installed it on my WinXP SP2 machine, and have had no problems so far, other than one of the default fonts being pretty ugly [Lucida Console? Wha?]. If you decide to use it, you must turn off System Restore first.


While I was in line at Microcenter tonight, I witnessed just how bad at security most people are.

Microcenter cashiers pump you for information. It’s a given. They ask for as much info as you’ll give them. There was a pretty twenty-something girl in line in front of me (I was buying Half-Life 2, of course). The cashier asked her for her address, and the girl answered. The cashier then called her by her last name, and asked her for her phone number, which the girl glady gave. Finally, the girl gave out her email address. Sucks

I used to use several times a week, for music or band lookups and such.

Today, I noticed they’ve moved to an ‘account-required’ format.

I’m sure that move made perfect sense to the bitter, disenfranchised web producers at, who, after being passed over for raises for three years in a row, decided that since they couldn’t get away with stabbing their CEO in the face with a blunt spoon, they’d just convince him to render the site completely un-navigable and locked-off from the rest of the Internet. In short, has inserted a Desert Eagle .50 caliber handgun into its own anus, and pulled the trigger.