General Sucks

I used to use several times a week, for music or band lookups and such.

Today, I noticed they’ve moved to an ‘account-required’ format.

I’m sure that move made perfect sense to the bitter, disenfranchised web producers at, who, after being passed over for raises for three years in a row, decided that since they couldn’t get away with stabbing their CEO in the face with a blunt spoon, they’d just convince him to render the site completely un-navigable and locked-off from the rest of the Internet. In short, has inserted a Desert Eagle .50 caliber handgun into its own anus, and pulled the trigger.

Winners in Alabama: Racism and Seafood

Once again, I am embarrassed of my home state. In addition to the Presidential election yesterday, Alabama voters were offered EIGHT more opportunities to amend what is already the longest and most-amended constitution in the world. (Alabama’s constitution has 315,000 words and over 700 amendments.)

The proposed constitutional amendments on the ballot covered such minor topics as

“promotion of economic and industrial development in Baldwin County (PA 1, which passed with 56% of the vote)”

Doom 3 vs City of Heroes

Daniel says Doom 3 is great.

I disagree. I’ve been playing City of Heroes, and I’m convinced COH is the better game.

In singleplayer Doom3, you play alone. In COH, you can play alone, but you get the best gameplay experience playing in a group.

Doom3 is very predictable, with the same monsters spawning in the same places at the same time, every time. COH missions can be linear, in that certain bosses will always appear in certain missions, but in general the mobs are different every time.


Blacktree’s Quicksilver is very neato. There isn’t a lot of documentation on the website [that I could find], particularly regarding what Quicksilver does.

In a nutshell, Quicksilver is a command-key-activated launcher. Hit cmd-space, type ‘CALC’, hit enter, and it will launch

What makes Quicksilver truly great is its ability to catalog all of your applications and their preferences, your favorites, your contacts, and so on. This means that Quicksilver isn’t restricted to launching your apps — type in ‘UNXM’ and it will open your favorite website. If you type the first few characters of one of your contact’s names, you can quickly pull up the Address Book page for that contact.

An Island To Oneself

I very much recommend that you take some time and read An Island To Oneself, by Tom Neale.

Neale lived alone on a tiny Pacific island during the 1950s and 60s, by his own choice.


Thanks to Marc, I found an old friend, Matt Herston, and his band, Franchise.

They’ve got a few songs posted as MP3s, so go have a listen. The site’s hosted by Geocities, so please conserve bandwidth by posting mirror or Bittorrent links in the comments.

Home Warranty Scam Redux

Last night some cock-nozzle from the Home Warranty Scam company called.

“Hi, I’m Bob with Home Buyer’s Warranties!!! I just wanted to let you know that your home warranty coverage ends at the end of this month.”


“Uh.. well I was calling to see if you wanted to renew it?”

“Absolutely not. I’d rather be mauled by wild dogs.”

“… Er..”


“So you weren’t happy with the service?”

KeepCash is a pretty nice deal-finding site. Plus, it’s run by my pal Jon. Go buy some stuff.

Using Pine With IMAP

Here’s a good tutorial on configuring Pine to connect to your mailserver using IMAP.

And for those Mutt cultists out there: go away. I don’t want any of your Kool-Aid.