

Tonight I’ve been playing with Zo???. The manual is nonexistent, and the ‘About’ page degenerates into an existentialist rant, so I’ll explain the application:

Zo??? is a Java application that acts as a self-contained POP3/IMAP client. It can download copies of your email from your mailserver(s), and can also import your stored mails from your current system (if said email is stored in an mbox format). It then indexes all inbound email, and generates a webpage that shows a concise view of important info, such as a timeline view, all hyperlinks in the emails you’ve received for x day, all people who’ve mailed you that day, and all the attachments you’ve gotten. Even better, it allows you to do a google-like search on that email. Zo??? also acts like an SMTP server, in that it can index your outgoing mail as well: configure your regular mail client to send mail through localhost:10080, and Zo??? will nab outgoing mails, index them, and forward them on to the regular SMTP server.

Robert’s Camera

Robert: “I’m trying to charge the batteries in my camera and it’s doing something I’ve never seen it do before.”

Me: “Is it making toast?”

Robert: “No. It’s not big enough to make toast.”

Me: “It could be making crackers?”

Robert: “I didn’t ask it to make crackers!”


In response to some of the comments in the prior post:

I don’t own stock in Apple. I don’t make any cash off telling people that Apples are better. I have no vested interest in doing so, and in some ways, advocating Macs is shooting myself in the foot. Macs have made me more efficient, and if I’m competing against you for a job, I prefer having as much of an advantage as possible.


While on vacation, desperate to suckle from the Internet’s great digital teat, I find myself reduced to using an AOL dialup.

In case you didn’t know, dialup sucks.

With my meager trickle of Netmilk, I have been able to read a few interesting articles. One that stands out is this week’s Apple-bashing article, as published by Wired.

This article is pure feces. Even better, a lot of tech news sites pounced on it, brandishing it as ‘reel nooze’.

Tybee Island

And now for a much-needed vacation. Tomorrow, Laura and I will go to Tybee Island, off the Georgia coast, where we will be staying for about a week. I expect updates to be few(er) and farther between.

Clearchannel Sucks

While perusing this price list of performers, I thought to myself, “Wow, I could sell my car and have Ice T rap in my apartment.” Now wouldn’t that be k-rad?

Laura’s Check

This is what I get for asking Laura for money.

It's an installment.

And yeah, I presented it to the bank teller with a great big smile.

Falafel Cafe

If you’re in the mood for Middle-Eastern food, check out the Falafel Cafe on Cobb Parkway in Marietta. Finding the little cafe is not easy, but it’s worth it. This is by far one of the best Middle-Eastern restaurants I’ve been to in the Atlanta area [out of three]. Yesterday we had stuffed grape leaves and eggplant dip as appetizers, and the falafel platter. I ordered the appetizers because I simply refused to believe that a $4 entree made entirely of vegetables would fill me up. I was very much wrong; the falafels are delicious and the pita-style bread is very filling.

Laura’s Toes

When I was bored and unwilling to do work, I asked Laura to tell me a story.

Laura: “I used to have 7 toes on each foot, but I had the extras removed. I keep the extras in a pickle jar full of vodka. Only 3 are left though because, once, someone ate one thinking it was a Vienna sausage.”

Me: “Aww, Poor missing toes! You could tape the old ones on?”