Some Fucker
Sometimes there’s nothing like Usenet for text-based profanity-loaded hilarity. Favorites include A Question For Scientists and Some _ that happened to my foot.
Zoiks! It’s only fifteen minutes into The Hour of the Squid.
Sometimes there’s nothing like Usenet for text-based profanity-loaded hilarity. Favorites include A Question For Scientists and Some _ that happened to my foot.
Happy Birthday to!
This week marks two full years of regular posting on this site.
As you can see from the first week’s archive, the quality of the posts have not declined. Expect many more links to clown sex, Invader Zim, Bleemcast downloads, and … well… any other stupid, weird, or just plain wacko thing that catches my eye or might attract the attention of some poor, depraved Google-searching moron desperate for a glimpse of some women farting videos.
Per Thomas Gold, Professor Emeritus of Astronomy at Cornell University, in his book The Deep Hot Biosphere, it is a myth that oil comes from dead things [like squished dinosaurs]. Instead, oil is produced by bacteriological processes deep within the Earth’s crust. This concept answers several questions with the current concept of oil generation, such as: “how can there be oil on asteroids, if there were no organic matter to make it from?” “Why do dry wells fill up?” “Why can we find oil literally anywhere on the planet if we drill deep enough?” “How could there possibly have ever been enough biological matter present under the exact conditions necessary to produce oil?”
Oooh: the DVD boxed set of the Transformers first season is on sale for about $50. Drool!
Note to self: read and memorize this massive online Nonverbal Dictionary.
Every once in a while, usually during a slow news period, some OSOpinion dork will post something about HOW APAL SHUD PUT OSSXX ON TEH PEE CEE!111.
This will never happen. Ever.
At least not in the way you think. Apple might switch from the Motorola g-chips to an x86 chip, but the OS will never officially run on off-the-shelf x86 PCs.
If Apple were to release a version of OSX for the PC, they’d be squashed like a little bug by Microsoft within two years.
On a Friday night, what can be better than posting via wireless while sipping an iced mocha?
Why, attending a VNV Nation concert, of course! Even better, having a new friend to go with!
Rather than shuffling the multiple CDs required to play today’s games, you can make .iso images of your game CDs [or other CDs], copy the images to your large hard drive, and using Daemon Tools, mount the images directly. This freeware app makes CD management a breeze.