

I’ve used lots of different instant-messaging clients, but I must say that I’ve never been as impressed by any of them as quickly as I’ve been impressed by Adium.

Adium is a free AIM client, written by Adam Iser. It’s lean, small, and very fast, which are reasons enough for it to replace my default OS X messenger client. The installation was (as always, on OS X) drag’n’drop simple, and the configuration options are very thorough. My install takes up a total of 2.5mb of drivespace, and in its idle state the app uses roughly 0% CPU load. If you’re interested in how it works, the author has released the program under the GPL, and has the source code freely-available on his site.

Inside OSX

Mmm hardcore geek reading: Apple’s “Inside OSX: System Overview” is on my to-do list.

Progress Quest

Tired of spending hundreds of hours wasting your time on some RPG game? Try Progress Quest! It’s all the fun of a RPG, without actually having to play!

Compression Pirates

Me: rar!

Jeff: arj!

Me: gz!

Jeff: owl!

Me: ace!

Jeff: zoo!

Me: tar!

Jeff: zip!


Woohoo! Learn how to find things in Unix!

Origins of OS X

OS News has a very good article on the roots of OS X. Read it if you’re interested.

Exorcism of Telemarketers

Beth has recently had some fun run-ins with telemarketers lately. As I told her, never waste your own time venting spleen on a telemarketer. Every time you hang up on, scream at, yell obscenities at, or argue with a telemarketer, you waste your own time. Telemarketers will call back eventually, regardless of how mean you’ve been to them, unless you follow a very precise set of legally-binding procedures. Consider these procedures to be a form of modern-day exorcism.