
Following a trend

You give off bad vibes, and like to have control in any given situation. If you aren’t satisfied with something then you don’t think anyone else should be either. You’d go pretty far to get what you want, even if it means wiping out human existance! On an upside…you

do have sexy horns.

  <a href="" target="_blank">Take The &#8220;Which Kevin Smith Male Are You?&#8221; Quiz!!</a>


  Seriously. Go figure.


This feverish, aching, mucus-producing mess has been brought to you by The Flu. I’m taking more drugs and going back to bed.


According to the Keirsey test, I’m Rational (NT). Sadly, I’m too rational to justify spending $15 for someone to tell me that I’m rational.

Remedial Satire

First, a remedial lesson on satire.

Having read that, I’ll continue my earlier rant from last week regarding supposed satirists. My primary point: if you are a good satirist, you implicitly know that some people will misunderstand your work. This is the risk of satire. It is unnecessary to go on damage-control crusades after the fact.

However, from the abundance of comments on that post, we can see that with the use of a vast network of holy informants, our friends Tom and Ed were near-instantaneously informed of my disparaging comments, and descended with divine swiftness to “enlighten” me.

Service Merchandise

Not that I’m terribly suprised, Service Merchandise is closing all of their stores. And of course, they’re blaming it on the WTC terrorist attack, instead of on their own poor business sense.

German Army Truck

I think I could brave 285 during rush hour if I had one of these: a 1966 4×4 German Army Command and Control vehicle. Kayvan, eat your heart out. My German C&C beats your car any day!