

Impxopexly handlinx a noxepad, I sliced my xinxex open on xhe edxe ox a xazox-shaxp sheex ox papex. I shall xe xeplacing xhe keys I can’x quixe hix pxopexly wixh an X. Xhanks xox youx suppoxx.


Take a look at the lower right, and you’ll see the Books box. Since I read constantly, going through an average of one book a week, I decided to list the books I’ve read in a file. Problem was, the file was far too long, and is destined only to get longer. Rick used his mad php-ninja skilz to make a little 5-line script that pulls only the first ten books. I fear his leetness.

Mark on Trillian

Mark, regarding Trillian: “This one piece of shit keeps me from having to run five pieces of shit to talk to everyone.”


Morons make me grumpy.

The Moron of the New Year award goes to Tom, who runs a site that I’ll choose not to link, because he doesn’t deserve the egoboost/hit count increase from me. Hint: said site ‘reviews’ weblogs, using the heads of two famous actors as the ‘rating system’.

A good friend of mine reports that Tom told her that her blog is “set up like a disenfranchised teenager’s,” along with other choice criticisms regarding the sites she chose to link, subject matters, and design. She wasn’t very happy about these remarks, even though she should have known better than to ask the opinions of this creep.

Laughing Dogs

Animal behaviorist Patricia Simonet, of Sierra Nevada College, states that dogs indeed laugh. Audio clips and an abstract of the research may be found here.

Coanda Effect

The Coanda Effect: if a stream of fluid is flowing along a solid surface which is curved slightly away from the stream, the fluid will tend to follow the surface. This behavior of fluid substances was discovered in the 1930s by Romanian aerodynamicist Henri-Marie Coanda.

Egyptian Gold

A 3,200-year old pharoanic map has led to the discovery of gold reserves that could place Egypt among the top 10 gold-producing countries in the world.