
Daniel’s Shirt

Go here and buy the shirt Daniel designed. $4 from each shirt sold goes to the Red Cross, and for every shirt sold, Daniel will donate an additional $1.

My Day

Beth: So, how’s your day?

Me: Well, a million halfwits too stupid to breathe were nominated to be “system administrators” by other halfwits too stupid to digest solid food. The first group of halfwits installed some Microsoft web-server software [built by another, different group of halfwits], didn’t secure it, and each of their servers got infected by a worm that made the servers spew out tons of useless data across the Internet. The first group of halfwits then calls me to bitch about “WHY IS UR INTARNET SLOW?!1. IT IS uR cOMPANee. TRAYING TO MAEK MAH INERNEET SLAW!!!11”. Then they try to cancel their service with my company, even though they aren’t customers.


Jim Olson of Cyberjunkees sent the following information to the NANOG list regarding the newest and potentially most dangerous Microsoft IIS worm, Nimda:

“This is the information i’ve collected thus far on W32.nimda:

W32.nimda is NOT a code red variant, and the people who referring to it as “Code Blue” were mistaken…

The name it has been given (at least by TruSecure) is It uses several vulnerabilities in Windows NT and 2000 server’s to infect a server, and also employ’s email and web site mobile code to infect Windows 9x/ME/NT/2k boxes.


I’m really enjoying the newest album from Poe: Haunted. It is creepy and beautiful and perfect for the approaching Autumn.

Mozilla: Kills pop-up windows dead.

Tired of pop-up windows? First, download and install the newest build of Mozilla. Then edit your prefs.js file, including this line:

user_pref(“dom.disable_open_during_load”, true);

Mozilla: Kills pop-up windows dead.

New Sticker

In these days of heightened panic, some are concerned of a crackdown on strong encryption –even to the point of refusing to accept encrypted email. I feel that we, as a nation, should strive to secure everything against our enemies, and that we should view strong encryption as just one more weapon against Threat forces.

New bumpersticker should read:


On the Road to Huntsville

On my way to Huntsville this afternoon, I felt a constant sense of wrongness, as if I’d slipped into a parallel universe. Granted, this whole week has been a Twilight Zone diversion from normalcy, but the pervasive strangeness was more apparent while driving 80MPH down the interstate. I saw flags at half-mast, countless marquees urging people to pray, or to give blood, but the most distinct sign that yes, indeed this is for real happened on I-20, just before the Alabama state line.

John’s Crawlspace

MonkeyNinja Turbo Boosters are GO for a weekend trip to Huntsville for hot LANparty lovin’ and Rod’s wedding.