Jakob Neilsen desktop wallpapers:
Woohoo! Use a jet engine to cool your beer!
Yay! Shadowstitch.com is back!
Probably for a total of six more days, till Kevin realizes how much he hates tending a website.
I highly recommend that you raid the ASSEMBLY 2001 FTP sites for the winners of this year’s contest. The last Demos I saw were made in 1996; I’m completely floored by works like Gerbera and Recycled.
Tim Burton: “The printed word destroys lives.”
In Tim’s world, the Internet is run by evil “negative thinkers” out to destroy humanity. How quaint.
Why do people still listen to what ‘famous’ people have to say? Tim Burton may be a great director, but that does not implicitly guarantee him the background and education to make sweeping statements about anything outside his field of expertise.
Fame does not equal genius, as we see cases like Rosie O’Donnell. I remember the drama majors from high school and college: they were usually the ones too self-obsessed or insipid to absorb any real knowledge, seeking instead to reproduce the work of others onstage for their own gratification. [ The only exception to this was Caroline Duncan, who was a genius, and an actress, and who now works on Broadway.]
Special note to the little asshole who tried to break into my site at 11:52 tonight: my password isn’t “password”, nor is it “admin”, nor is it the default Greymatter user/login. However, your IP address is, which resolves to BT Internet, who’ve assured me they’ll remove your account as quickly as possible.
If there’s absolutely nothing interesting on the Net to post about, what do you do?
File under “Useful Sites”: Do-It-Yourself Spot Removal Guide.
Great! Now script kiddies can infect vulnerable IIS servers from a park bench in England.