

Yay! It’s the first day of a new month, so it’s time to see which person spent too much time clicking his own link! The winner for the month of June, with 115 clickthroughs, is Matt Rossi!!

I’ve spoken with Matt about his recent victory, and he said that it was achieved through the creative use of aardvarks, Perl scripts, and tequila. Way to go, Matt!

I highly recommend reading Matt’s page. It’ll melt your head!

Best Buy Sucks

For the record, I’d like to state that Best Buy officially sucks. I don’t mean in merely a polite soda-straw slurping suck, I mean in a massive vortex-of-doom cosmic sense of sucking. Think about how bad Real Networks sucks, then multiply that suckage by a million.

Best Buy’s scam is that they supposedly charge a little less than their competitors. Suppose you purchase something for $200. When you get to the register, they push this ”service plan” of an extra $40. This obviously jacks the price up far more than their competitors’ prices. Now, if you don’t purchase their service plan, and your purchase breaks after 1 month, tough. Their stupidly stringent policy denies you any refund, exchange, or repair. You will not get your money back, or be able to return the broken device.


When did Shelli make her own site, and why wasn’t I paged?

Allergen-Free Cats

Great news! With this exciting new development, Daniel may be able to eat Chinese cuisine without swelling up and choking to death!


Joseph sent me a link to these super-neato mesh carrying-straps for your computer equipment. They’re perfect for LANparties!

Rules and Regs

I’ve had a few requests for clarification of the little numbers beside the sidebar links, and the differences between the sidebar boxes.

The numbers reflect the number of times someone has clicked through to a linked page. At the end of the month, I sort links based on that number, highest to lowest. This is error prone and assumes a number of things: that I’m the only person who reads my page, thus moving the links I read most closer to the top, and that people are honest. If you want, you can smack that link a hundred times, and load up the numbers. Since I’m a mean bastard, I can also just edit the file back down to zero. It’s not that big of a deal. 🙂


“They are contradicting-influentially and powerfully-vast fields of learning in which their own knowledge and reading is indistinguishable from zero. My ‘arrogant and intolerant’ statement turns out to be nothing but simple truth.