
Windows 1.0

Have a spare PC/XT compatible computer and no software to run on it?

Buy a vintage copy of [Windows 1.0][1].

[1]: PC/XT compatible computer

Off-Peak Living

I really like the idea of ”Off-Peak Living“. I keep trying to get up before 9 AM, and to not stay up until 5 AM, but I’m slowly realizing that I enjoy having this behemoth of a city all to myself. There’s no traffic problems at 3 AM. The restaurants (that are open) aren’t crowded. I do a lot of work (or play) in the wee hours that I’d otherwise never get done in normal daytime hours. If I need to run errands, I can go after noon, when nobody’s around.

Stress Test

I feel so happy that I’m much less-stressed than Robyn, who is basically a plant.

You exhibit a stress percentage of 10%, which barely registers. Get a job.

Your Stress Test answers indicate that to reduce your stress level even further you should eliminate at least one of the following from your life immediately:

  1. consciousness.


add n to x

In 1994, when I was in tenth grade at Bradshaw High School, there was one programming problem that I could never figure out. For years, I’ve occasionally pulled that problem out and toyed with it: reversing a sequence of numbers. A few nights ago, as I went to sleep, I came up with the solution.

#include < stdio.h >

int main(void) {

long foo= 0, bar = 0, x = 0;


Piss off all your AOL Instant Messenger buddies by sending them a BuromiSan attack!

Where else in the world can you find a weak cd-riding roach-inspecting pimp-racing rape-hanger… hmm?

Invisible Dolls

The fact that invisible toy dolls are flying off the shelves makes me wonder how retailers handle inventory counting. A sucker is born every minute.

Opt-out marketing

“Opt-out marketing programs are an admission by marketers that they realize no one is listening – so they’ll just take the silence to mean a sale.”

I, personally, will hunt down and scalp any defective waste of human flesh that automagically signs me up for anything I did not first request. This includes publishing all information about them, their children, their dietary habits, and other bits of info on many public forums. The same goes for telemarketers, even though we know that they are not even human.