

The Linkfodder box is getting fairly sparse. Do any of you six readers have a favorite weblog-type site that I should know about? Please comment below.


My twelve-year-old brother is my primary source of movie reviews. When I asked him about The Mummy Returns, he said it was “really, really cool.” I watched it with Kayvan yesterday, and my little brother was correct: it was a really, really cool movie.

To Do

Ugh, too much to do, and too little inclination to do it.

I’ve finally gotten most of my banking problems straightened out. You never realize what a disruption moving is until you actually do it. Particularly nice is when you find out that your bank of four years has no branches in Georgia. Deposit a paycheck? Where?

It’s also critical to change over my Alabama driver’s license and tag. Which means that I have to contact North Carolina for a copy of my birth certificate, which was destroyed in a fire.


Props to Tara for pointing me to Gas Price Watch. Legions of local “spotters” note their local gas station prices, and you can search the results based on your ZIP code.

Flogeeks/Networkgeek Server Crash

It finally happened. My faithful flogeeks server crashed. NOT because of faulty hardware. But because of stupid people. As I had posted on and others, the ISP was moving some facilities. I told the people to hook up a keyboard and give my server a control-alt-delete to reboot it, so that the drives would cleanly unmount. They couldn’t find a keyboard to put on it so they just killed the power. No call, I could have shut it down from remote. Jeezus…. what a crappy day. So now Jeff and I have to build this new server quickly, and I gotta go to HellaBama this weekend. FSCK.