Sony’s DRM Rootkit Used for WoW Hacking

By now all three of you who read this site are familiar with the tale of how Sony released a music cd (by Van Zant, some crap country band) that includes a DRM rootkit.

What you don’t know is that certain enterprising World of Warcraft hackers have used this nice, working Ring0 rootkit to hide their nasty WoW cheating programs from Blizzard’s “Warden” cheat detection processes.

KoS Mod

To further my World of Warcraft fandom:

The Kill on Sight mod gives particularly hated enemies a red “dragon” identifier above their name icon, so as to help you remember them if you happen to run across them again.

This is pretty handy for me, although none of my characters are really to the point of being able to handle any type of PvP encounter.