I’m really interested in setting up Phlink at my house.
(And for all you Asterisk junkies, shush. I’ve seen the nightmare that is setting up Asterisk. No thanks.)
I’m really interested in setting up Phlink at my house.
(And for all you Asterisk junkies, shush. I’ve seen the nightmare that is setting up Asterisk. No thanks.)
In Milwaukie, OR, someone turned a B-17 Bomber into a gas station/restaurant.
From The Register:
“Milwaukie, Oregon – only in America can you beat a B-17 into a gas station.
Shortly after WWII a guy named Art Lacey (he had a British wife) went to Kansas to buy a surplus B-17. His idea was to fly it back to Oregon, jack it up in the air and make a gas station out of it. He paid $15,000 for it. He asked which one was his and they said take whichever you want because there were miles of them. He didn’t know how to fly a 4 engine airplane so he read the manual while he taxied around by himself. They said he couldn’t take off alone so he put a mannequin in the co-pilot’s seat and off he went.
Here’s why driving the speed limit — 55MPH — on I-285 in Atlanta is a bad idea.
No, not “View Porn”.
Ron DeCorte’s Notebook is pure, unadulterated pornography for those who like watches.
Ooh, here’s a really nice Section Z site.
I kinda miss that game, but I just can’t bear to play it now.
I watched part of Flightplan the other day, but didn’t get to finish it. Honestly, it isn’t worth watching all the way through again, just to see the ending.
Luckily, has a nice solution.
Ooh, I’m gonna get some LEDs and make some Throwies!
This is a great cheat sheet for bypassing those obnoxious “phone trees” a lot of businesses have.
It’s been very handy when dealing with Dell Support, whom I have to call daily because their products break a lot.
This neat widget uses Apple’s Sudden Motion Sensor to display positional information, making my new PowerBook the world’s most expensive carpenter’s level.
Just in case you wanted to know, here’s how to make your very own Organic Light Emitting Diode.