The Bomber Complex, Inc. – Restaurant, Catering, and B-17G Restoration Project
In Milwaukie, OR, someone turned a B-17 Bomber into a gas station/restaurant.
From The Register:
“Milwaukie, Oregon – only in America can you beat a B-17 into a gas station.
Shortly after WWII a guy named Art Lacey (he had a British wife) went to Kansas to buy a surplus B-17. His idea was to fly it back to Oregon, jack it up in the air and make a gas station out of it. He paid $15,000 for it. He asked which one was his and they said take whichever you want because there were miles of them. He didn’t know how to fly a 4 engine airplane so he read the manual while he taxied around by himself. They said he couldn’t take off alone so he put a mannequin in the co-pilot’s seat and off he went.