Re: Atlanta radio musings

I’m too lazy to post any new content, so here’s a rant I wrote regarding the state of broadcast radio:

What we’re seeing now is the continued twitchings of the rotting corpse that is Broadcast Radio. The Beast was live in the 70s, tumorous in the 80s, and died in the 90s. Once the FCC allowed single corporate entities to own more than a small number of radio stations, the way was made clear for the ethnic cleansing of the radio waves by ClearChannel and other media orporations.


What Are Death Towers?

I saw documentation that showed that Hillary, while she was extracting blood money from Arkansas corporations and perhaps performed her first ritual murder, was also employed as a lawyer by elder Bush in the 1980s to disguise shipments of long range cannons to look like irrigation pipes.

Anything that associates Hillary Clinton with ritual murders, George Bush Sr, and cannons that look like irrigation pipes IN THE FIRST SENTENCE is damn good reading.

Google X

Google has a neat little homage to OS X.

Mouse over the icons to see what the fuss is about.


Someone please call the Internet, and tell it to not let Laura find out about these.

I Win

All bets are off: I got it today.


Laura got a T-Mobile Blackberry 7100t today, so the betting pool on when I’ll have one is officially open.

Here’s some frenzied Crackberry links:

  • MobileWhack has quite a bit of info.
  • Jason O’Grady has a 3-part series on his move to a Blackberry, and most of it is OSX-related: I, II, and III.

Pink Boar Rug

Since Laura won’t let me convert the dog into a footstool, maybe she’ll settle for a home-made pink boar rug.