
MobileWhack “is a repository of hacks, hints, tips, tools, stories, news, ideas, and wishes for and around the mobile device you’re actually using.”

The iPod has a warranty of only a year (which does suck). After the year’s up,
you have to pay Apple to do any work on it.

So <a href=">some guy is crying because Apple is charging him $250 to replace the battery in something that’s out of warranty?

Because he doesn’t want to do it himself for $50?

What a crybaby. He probably cried when he got kicked off the soccer team for crying too much.

Referrer spam, again

Although I think the whole concept of ‘referrer spam‘ is stupid and a waste of time, here’s a quick fix for those of you running Analog:

REFEXCLUDE http://**
REFEXCLUDE http://**
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Geek post. Flee.

Over the weekend, I upgraded my G4 to Panther. I’ve been pretty nervous about doing so, because there were a few things wrong with the existing Jaguar install. The G4 acts as my main fileserver, with 160GB of storage in a mirrored RAID, so it’s pretty important that it didn’t crash and burn during an upgrade.

I got a 120GB drive from Tech-EE’s and crammed it into the G4’s case. With 3 drives, I’ve still got room for 3 more, though I’m not sure the power supply can handle that many, considering the main drive is a Quantum Fireball 18GB SCSI LVD 15,000rpm drive.

Being Bill

Mom writes:

“Do you remember me telling you about Bill Z?

“He apparently was forging checks. It was a big hoo ha involving bankers and stuff, so he made the Most Wanted list back in April.

“Right before you moved back to go to college, he had to attend a managers meeting in Pensacola (he had go because it was required for them to become accredited for something or other.) He’d bought a house over behind the mall in that spiffy neighborhood and movers were coming to move his grand piano. So, your stepfather[D] volunteered to go impersonate him at the meeting, if he paid both our ways, etc.


After a brief stint with the Stabbing Pain That Is Nextel, I upgraded my trusty old Nokia 8290 phone to a shiny new Sony Ericsson T610.

I love this phone. It’s truly a revolutionary leap beyond the old Nokia, acting as a PDA, a camera, and a voice-note recorder, as well being a pretty good phone.

I picked up a Belkin Bluetooth adapter for about $40, which drastically improves the usefulness of the phone. Using iSync, I’ve now got a standard set of contacts, calendars, and memos, between all my Macs, my .Mac account, my iPod, and my phone.

Per this ArsMac thread, Panther features “Hot-File-Adaptive-Clustering”.

In plainer terms, the OS defragments HFS+ filesystems automatically, if the files being used are smaller than 20MB.

Be sure to read the thread, for it contains nifty snippets of the actual kernel code, since the core OS, Darwin, is Open Source.

And yeah, if you’ve been living in a cave or something and haven’t already had some Mac fanatic splatter drool on you about it already, Expos?? really does rock.

Tree-Top Boulders


400-pound boulders in the tops of 80-foot tall trees are spooky.

Hooray for Halloween!

Nextel i60c

Here‘s a reference sheet for the Nextel i60c phones.

Press the following keys: # * menu right-arrow
The unit will then display “TRACE MODE”

Lots of fun stuff listed in Trace Mode.


Ahh, Halloween.

It’s the perfect excuse for horrid color schemes.