Printing from WinXP to OSX

After hours of banging on it, I finally figured out how to enable printing via SMB from a Windows XP machine to a Mac OSX machine.

You’d think that with a Mac it’d be a point-and-click deal.

Think again. “Think different.”

Refer to William White’s guide for a detailed list.

The steps, in my particular case, are as follows:

  1. Download and install the Gimp-Print drivers. This step is pretty straightforward, although you may need to install the ESP Ghostscript drivers too.

RIAA Terrorists

It seems that the terrorist organization known as the RIAA has claimed another thousand victims in their ongoing war against American culture.

I find it highly suspect that in these times of intense scrutiny of anything anti-American, certain politicians, among many others, can continue to fatten themselves on the funds of foreignowned entities that have waged cultural warfare upon America.

Boycott the RIAA.

Black Sarah

Every May 24th some 10,000 gypsies fill the small French town of Saintes-Marie-de-la-Mer to honor and celebrate their patron saint, Black Sarah.

Historically, the Catholic Church often used the process of inculturation, or the adaptation of indigenous pagan beliefs into traditional Church teachings. Black Sarah is also referenced in many places as the Virgin Mary herself, or as the Black Madonna.

While the gypsy pilgrimage, or Pelegrinage Gitane, to Saintes-Marie-de-la-Mer has been ostensibly a Catholic celebration for many centuries, the roots of the religious belief may stretch much farther east. Black Sarah is also known as Sarah-Kali, and may be a more modern representation of the earth goddess Kali.


I’ve been playing with N.A.G., which is an “automated remixer” for audio files downloaded via Gnutella. It runs on both Windows and OSX.

N.A.G. (Network Auralization for Gnutella) is interactive software art for Mac OS X and Windows 2000/XP which turns the process of searching for and downloading MP3 files into a chaotic musical collage. Type in one or more search keywords, and N.A.G. looks for matches on the Gnutella peer-to-peer file sharing network. The software then downloads MP3 files which match the search keyword(s) and remixes these audio files in real time based on the structure of the Gnutella network itself.

Pocket Pool

Last week, my swimming pool had become a deep green, indistinguishable from the color of the murky waters of the Chattahoochee, so I decided to invest in some more pool chemicals. I went to the pool supply store, blew $120 on chemicals, and when I got home, I found that my ancient pool pump had finally died.

Daniel and I worked for most of the weekend on the pump, first removing it, then replacing it with a new, much more expensive, pump. The lady at the pool supply store was shocked and awed by the old pump, as it was so outdated that she could find no reference in her supply manual.

The Pit of the Peach

It really isn’t Mapquest‘s fault that their maps are wrong. Last night, looking up directions to a business, I discovered that Interstate North Parkway SE splits, but retains the same name. No kidding. Looking at the map, you’d think that Interstate North Parkway SE would become Leland Dr SE. However, this is Atlanta. Interstate North Parkway SE goes straight, and it also veers off to the northeast.

In a few months the city will probably rename both roads to “Interpeachtreestate Parkway North South Peach Circle Lane Way NE/SW”. Because Atlanta really needs more roads named Peach-something.

New Powermacs

I’m drooling over the new G5 Powermacs. $2999 for a dual 2Ghz 64-bit platform isn’t that outrageous, either, considering that Sun‘s dual 1.2Ghz 64-bit system starts at around $13,995.

New Server

Moved to a new server. Lots of things broken. Hooray for technology!