RSS Aggregators

I’ve been playing with NetNewsWire, an RSS news aggregator for OSX. This is the first news aggregator I’ve used, and I’m very impressed.

A news aggregator is an application that downloads information from multiple sites, usually in the form of an RSS feed. The information is normally news, or weblog posts.

A very cool feature of NetNewsWire is that it periodically checks the feeds to which you’ve subscribed, and if it finds something new, it will download the headline and notify you.

Correct VNC Ports

(Because I always forget)

Regarding VNC:

Port 5500 is used when connecting to a VNC server via the VNC viewer.

Port 5800 + display number is used when connecting to a VNC server with a web-browser, using the Java-based viewer. An example would be, connecting to screen #5.

Roll Your Own WAP

Check out Locustworld‘s MeshAP boot cd.

By booting from the CD, a laptop or regular PC with a wireless adapter becomes a mesh-enabled thin client, wi-fi hotspot, bridge, repeater and gateway.

Matt Rossi’s Book

In case you haven’t heard, Matt Rossi‘s first book, Things That Never Were, will be released this summer. I’ll post more about it once it’s officially released, and I’m drooling to get my hands on a copy.

Congratulations, Matt!

AOL Sucks

Yesterday, at about 2:30 PM, my AIM screen name, “unxmaal”, dropped offline. When I tried to reconnect, I got a message saying the account was “suspended.” I tried logging onto via the link provided in the message, and found that all the AIM account info pages lead to a dead-end at

I called AOL’s billing center, at 1-888-265-8003, and spoke with a rep. According to this person, that screen name was associated with a dialup account I’d cancelled last year. Since the account was cancelled, I could no longer use it for AIM, nor could I create a new AIM account and move the name ‘unxmaal’ to it.

Two-dollar Bill

New plan for World Domination:

Gather a couple of $2 bills.

Take them to Taco Bell.

Confuse the Taco-Slave.



I’ve scheduled my CCNA exam for a couple of weeks from now, so I’ve been studying like a madman.

Normally I’ll get up in the morning, eat breakfast, and go to Starbuck’s, which is now my “office”. I study from about 8AM until 2PM, then go home for lunch. Today, I got done with a chapter early, and after going home for lunch, decided to stay and study.

Me: I decided to stay home this afternoon and study here.