Balt Seatflex Chair

Yay! For Income Tax Return Day, Heather got me a Balt Seatflex office chair.
I sit in one of these most of the day at work, and they’re awesome. The bungee-cord-like seat material provides great support, and since there’s not a lot of it, the seat doesn’t get hot or uncomfortable.

Thanks, Heather!


James commands me to post the Emo Song.

What’s this emo stuff anyway? Reheated goth? Why aren’t the cool kids listening to Scandinavian death metal, like I am?

God I’m old.

Or maybe I’m emo.

Hitler Rap

James also wants me to post Hitler Rap, which is just terrible.

Blame him entirely.

IBM – Installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux Version 4 Update 3 – IBM System x3550

Supposedly, this page will tell me how to make Red Hat work with the Adaptec SATA RAID controller on my new IBM x3550. We’ll see.

Update: well, no, not really. From what I found, the only way to get RHEL4 to see that controller was to download the single disk image, of about 30, that worked with both that particular controller and that particular version and release of RHEL.

Also, a hearty “screw you” to IBM for lumping all their drivers on a single page. Also also, an even heartier “screw you” to IBM for requiring floppy images for servers that don’t even ship with floppy drives.

Mutt Commands

I still hate mutt. However, when you have to use it, here’s a quick command guide.

Everyone in Massachusetts is now a terrorist.

(Regarding that stupid Boston/ATHF Terror Skeer thing.)
And here’s how: “The General Laws of Massachusetts, which makes it a crime to place a “hoax device” with the intent to panic the public.”

So, in the phrase ‘hoax device’, where ‘device’ meaning ‘something that does something’ and ‘hoax’ meaning ‘doesn’t really’, ‘hoax device’ must mean ‘something that doesn’t do what one assumes it must do’.

In Massachussets, everything that isn’t a bomb might just be a hoax device! I can imagine the state of willy-shrinking fear the MA government is experiencing right now. Boston’s chief of police is probably curled into a fetal ball behind his desk right now, convinced that since the pizza on his desk isn’t ticking, it must be part of a TERIST plot to OVATHOW the GUBMIT.


Woot! iTerm, the best (and yeah, least-frequently-updated) terminal client for OSX has finally been updated!

So far, I really like the new metal skin, and most-importantly, true xterm-like select and middle-click paste.

If you’re still using OSX’s built-in, give iTerm a try. It’s free, and it rocks.

Thanks. No.

Do you have a friend or family member who, perhaps being new to the Intertubes, thinks it’s really cool to forward — or worse, CC — you every single lame email joke, virus alert, chain email, or conspiracy theory?

Let ’em down easy with Thanks. No.